Must Know Articles of Indian Constitution

articles of the constitution

Which are the must-know articles of the Indian Constitution? Read further to know.

The original Indian Constitution, when adopted by Constituent Assembly in 1949, had 395 articles and 22 parts.

Many other articles and three other parts were added to it by subsequent constitutional amendments. As of now, the Indian constitution has about 450 articles in 25 parts.

In this post, let’s learn the must-know articles of the Indian Constitution.

Also read: Social Audit

Table of Contents

Must-Know Articles of the Indian Constitution

It’s not expected from a UPSC aspirant to by-heart all articles in Indian Constitution. But he/she is expected to have a fair idea about the nature and salient features of the Indian Constitution like Federalism, Separation of Powers, Fundamental Rights etc.

Article Importance Article 12 –35 Specify the Fundamental Rights Article 36-51 Specify the Directive Principles of state policy Article 51A Specifies the Fundamental Duties of every citizen Article 80 Specifies the number of seats in the Rajya Sabha Article 81 Specifies the number of seats in the Lok Sabha Article 343 Hindi as official language Article 356 Imposition of President’s Rule in states Article 370 Special status to Kashmir Article 395 Repeals India Independence Act and Government of India Act, 1935

Other Important Articles of the Indian Constitution

While learning, take a special note on the below articles.

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Part 1 – Art. 1 to art. 4

Part 2 – Art. 5 to art. 11

Part 3 – Art.12 to art.35

Some important Fundamental Rights

Here are the fundamental rights and the corresponding articles which you should remember

Right to Equality: Art. 14 to Art. 18
Right to Freedom: Art. 19 to art. 22

(a) Right to freedom of speech and expression.

(b) Right to assemble peacefully and without arms

(c) Right to form associations or unions.

(d) Right to move freely throughout the territory of India.

(e) Right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India.

(f) Right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade, and business.

Right against Exploitation: Art.23 & art. 24
Right to Freedom of Religion: Art.25 to art. 28
Cultural and Educational Rights: Art.29 & art. 30

Part 4 Directive Principal of states Policy: Art 36 to Art 51

Part IV-A Fundamental Duties: Art 51A

It contains, originally 10 duties, now it contains 11 duties by 86 th amendments act 2002.

Part 5 – Union ( 52-151)

Part 6 – States ( 152-237)

Part 7 – 238 – Repealed

Part 8 – 239-242 – Union Territories

Part 9 – 243-243 O – Panchayats

Part 9A – 243 P-243 ZG – Municipalities

Part 9B – 243 ZH-243 ZT- Co-operative Societies

Part 10: Scheduled and Tribal Areas -244

Part 11: Center- State Relations 245 – 263

Part 12: Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits (264 – 300A)

Part 13: Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the territories of India (301-307)

Part 14: Services Under Center and State (308-323)

Part 14A: Tribunals (323 A – 323 B)

Part 15 : Elections (324 – 329)

Part 16: Special Provisions to SC, ST, OBC, Minorities etc (330 -342)

Part 17: Official Language (343- 351)

Part 18: Emergency (352-360)

Part 19: Miscellaneous (361-367)

Part 20: Amendment of Constitution (368)

Part 21: Special, Transitional and Temporary Provisions (369 – 392)

Part 22: Short Text, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindi and Repeals (392 – 395)