Alliance and Leicester PPI Claims

If you have taken out loans or credit cards with Alliance & Leicester and have a concern about how your PPI policy was sold, would like to make a complaint, claim about a Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) policy you bought from Alliance & Leicester or check if PPI was added you may be entitled to:

We are committed to making the complaints process as straightforward and simple as possible and we are here to help to try and ensure that this happens.

We can assist you to register your PPI complaint, and take care of the entire process should you wish to make a complaint about the way in which your PPI policy was sold.

Click to Start My Free PPI Check

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Alliance and Leicester FAQs

Are you eligible for mis-sold PPI compensation from Alliance & Leicester?

There are many reasons why you may be eligible to claim mis-sold PPI from Alliance & Leicester. PPI was widely mis sold to customers either at the point of sale or at some point thereafter. All the benefits would have been explained but eligibility or appropriateness would often not have been determined. Here is a list of the most common situations when PPI could have been mis sold:

About Alliance and Leicester

Alliance & Leicester was a UK based bank that had previously been a building society. In 2008 Abbey became part of the Santander Group along with Abbey (Abbey National) that had already been part of Santander since 2004.

How to Make a Successful Alliance & Leicester PPI Claim?


The following information tells you what you need to do to register your claim.

Contact us by either filling out our PPI enquiry form on this page or by email (
We will need to discuss the details of your PPI enquiry with you briefly to establish if you may be eligible for a Alliance & Leicester PPI refund and answer any questions that you may have

Once we have spoken with you if we feel you may be eligible for our service we can then post you out a Letter of Authority which enables us to run a Free PPI check or start a mis-sold PPI claim on your behalf.

Before we can begin to run a Free PPI check or start a mis-sold PPI claim on your behalf we will need you to post back to us your signed Letter of Authority in the freepost envelope that we provide to all clients

Once we receive your signed Letter of Authority we can then proceed to check with your chosen lenders to see if any PPI was sold on any of your finances and contact you with the results. The lenders have a maximum of 40 days (8 weeks) to reply to us but in general they normally respond much quicker and a wait of around 2 to 3 weeks is common. We would ask you to stay patient and await the results as the lender will be having a thorough check of their systems to locate any PPI before reporting back to us.

We will conduct a full investigation and review of how PPI was sold to you using all the information available. It is at this stage that we will proceed with any mis-sold PPI claims where we think that you may be eligible to receive mis-sold PPI compensation.

On receipt of a mis-sold PPI claim Alliance & Leicester will normally contact us within eight weeks with a reason why a decision has been delayed or to explain their final decision in detail and if appropriate, make an offer of compensation.

If you are due a refund it will be sent out to you within 28 days of the decision.

If Alliance & Leicester decides that they are not upholding your complaint they will normally issue us with a final response decision letter outlining why they are not upholding your complaint.

We can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review your claim and you/we will have six months to decide whether do this from the date on the final response from Alliance & Leicester.

Rest assured that in the unfortunate event that your PPI claim is not upheld by Alliance & Leicester we will happily refer your claim to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and deal with them on your behalf.

Claims Management Companies (CMCs) & Law Firms

Many Claims Management Companies (CMCs) and law firms will typically charge an upfront fee or take a proportion of any compensation that may be due to you. In order to handle your complaint Claims Management Companies (CMCs) and law firms may charge you a fee, up to 39% + VAT.

Please note: we do not charge any upfront fees or costs whatsoever as our service is carried out on a No-win No-fee service and we charge a very reasonable 20% at the conclusion of your claim, only if your mis-sold PPI claim is successful.

Alliance and Leicester PPI FAQs

Alliance & Leicester were given a fine of £7,000,000 (seven million) in 2008 by the Financial Services Authority (FCA) for serious failings in the selling of PPI. The FCA stated that the bank had sold PPI without properly considering clients needs.

The fine that Alliance & Leicester received was a record penalty in terms of fines for PPI mis-selling.