Dax’s VFR Flight Planner and FAA Flight Plan Forms

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VFR flight plan navigation log FAA flight plan form

Printable FAA flight plan form & VFR cross-country NavLog

Featuring radio frequency column

• VFR Flight Planner (PDF) •

Version 1.9 — 2 Pages (Front/Back)

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I hope you like my VFR Flight Planner. I created the original versions of these flight planning forms in 2007, not long after earning my private pilot’s license, because I was unable to find a cross-crountry flight planning form that satisfied me. Most of the alternatives made poor use of space and lacked key features, while others were needlessly elaborate.

I kept my forms as simple as possible, but I put considerable thought into column placement and spacing. I’m a tech geek. So I appreciate that a lot of pilots are using electronic flight planning methods these days, but I still prefer to plan flights with a pencil and paper.

VFR Flight Planner by Dax Roggio