Atlas shrugged

'Atlas Shrugged' is the story of a man who said that he would stop the motor of the world - and did. It is a mystery, not about the murder of a man's body, but about the murder, and rebirth, of a man's spirit. A towering philosophical novel that is the summation of her Objectivist philosophy, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged is the saga of the enigmatic John Galt, and his ambitious plan to 'stop the motor of the world', published in Penguin Modern Classics.Opening with the enigmatic question 'Who is John Galt?', Atlas Shrugged envisions a world where the 'men of talent' - the great innovators, producers and creators - have mysteriously disappeared. With the US economy now faltering, businesswoman Dagny Taggart is struggling to get the transcontinental railroad up and running. For her John Galt is the enemy, but as she will learn, nothing in this situation is quite as it seems. Hugely influential and grand in scope, this story of a man who stopped the motor of the world expounds Rand's controversial philosophy of Objectivism, which champions competition, creativity and human greatness

First published: Plume, 1999

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Reviewer: Orion754 - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - January 12, 2024
Subject: A must read

Thought provoking.
Ayn Rand’s philosophy was born out of the influence of the communist takeover in Russia when she was a child. There are a lot of relevant lessons for today’s world.


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