News & Announcements

Creating, maintaining, and updating an effective but legally compliant employee handbook has certainly become a challenging task for employers, as well as one that needs constant attention. To assist employers with this task, the Hawaii Employers Council has updated its "Guide to Preparing an Employee Handbook and Sample Policy Statements."

A well-prepared employee handbook can serve as a formal means of communication with employees, eliminate misunderstandings about company policies and procedures, create a sense of togetherness within the company, and guide management and employees in carrying out their responsibilities.

At the same time, with the ever-changing landscape of legal regulations, court decisions, NLRB rulings, Presidential Executive Orders, and other new laws that impact the workplace, employers must be diligent about constantly updating their employee handbooks, or risk running afoul with the law. In addition, with the plethora of changes that result from the modern-day workplace (i.e. social media, smartphones, etc.), employers also need to revise outdated policies that fail to address such technological advances.

The "Guide to Preparing an Employee Handbook and Sample Policy Statements" provides employers with sample handbook policies as well as guidelines on how to draft handbooks that are legally compliant. This guide can be utilized by employers who are drafting their first handbook, creating a new handbook, or updating an existing handbook.

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