Driver Performance Evaluation Form


A driver performance evaluation form is a document that is used to assess the performance of a driver. This form is used to evaluate the skills of a driver and to identify the areas where the driver needs improvement.

1 minute to complete


Only drivers who have been employed for more than six months are eligible to fill out a Driver Performance Evaluation Form.


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Questions for Driver Performance Evaluation Form


What is your name?

The answer should be a text input.
  1. Under 18
  2. 18-24 years old
  3. 25-34 years old
  4. 35-44 years old
  5. 45-54 years old
  6. Over 55
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Other
  4. Prefer not to say

How many years of experience do you have in driving?

The answer should be a text input.

How often do you feel stressed while driving?

  1. Very often
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Seldom
  5. Never

How often do you feel tired while driving?

  1. Very often
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Seldom
  5. Never

How often do you have difficulty concentrating while driving?

  1. Very often
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Seldom
  5. Never

How often do you find yourself daydreaming or not paying attention while driving?

  1. Very often
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Seldom
  5. Never

How often do you have to brake suddenly or make sudden lane changes?

  1. Very often
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Seldom
  5. Never

How often do you tailgate or drive too close to the car in front of you?

  1. Very often
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Seldom
  5. Never

Forms Similar to Driver Performance Evaluation Form

Here are some FAQs and additional information
on Driver Performance Evaluation Form

How do I obtain a copy of the Driver Performance Evaluation Form?

A copy of the Driver Performance Evaluation Form can be obtained through the Department of Transportation.

Who uses the Driver Performance Evaluation Form?

The Driver Performance Evaluation Form is used by the Department of Transportation to assess the performance of commercial drivers.

What is the purpose of the Driver Performance Evaluation Form?

The Driver Performance Evaluation Form is used to evaluate the safety and compliance records of commercial drivers.

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