Partnership act new south wales

The most frequently accessed titles this week are:

  1. Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011 SI 653)
  2. State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008
  3. Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) No 86a of 2009
  4. Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203
  5. Crimes Act 1900 No 40
  6. Work Health and Safety Act 2011 No 10

Allocation of the administration of Acts

Click here to view the current allocation of the administration of Acts.

Click here to view historical versions of the allocation of the administration of Acts from 25 May 2001 to 4 April 2023.

NSW Government Gazette standalone website

The Parliamentary Counsel's Office is delighted to announce the NSW Government Gazette standalone website and portal was launched on 1 July 2024. Read more here.

Statutory instruments prepared by other agencies

On 1 July 2023, PCO launched a new page to centralise the collection of statutory instruments that have been prepared by other agencies. Users can access this page via a link under the Statutory Instruments heading on the In force page. The collection will be added to as new and amending instruments are notified. Agencies are invited to submit consolidated PDFs to the collection post amendment to ensure users have access to up-to-date versions of instruments as amended.

Launch of PCO Standard

On 9 May 2023, the NSW Parliamentary Counsel’s Office launched the first version of the PCO Standard—a guide to legislative drafting in NSW that acts as both a style guide and a manual for drafters and editors. Click here for more information and to download a copy.

COVID-19 legislation—Archive

We have archived the special website page for NSW COVID-19 legislation. On this page you can still find links to—

Information about the COVID-19 pandemic generally is available at the following links—

Updates for users

Latest website features

What's new

Inline history notes for the In force and Repealed collections

It’s been a long wait but inline history notes (legislative annotations) functionality is now available on our website for the In force and Repealed collections.

Please see our FAQ for more detail about inline history notes functionality, including printing.

Inline history notes are generated automatically and, while we've undertaken extensive checking to ensure they’re located logically in the context of a title, it’s not possible to scrutinise in detail every title across the In force and Repealed collections. Titles that have unusual structure, such as the Supreme Court Rules 1970, have proved particularly challenging so, at this stage, inline history notes for that title will not be available on the website, but we continue to work on refining them.

Please let us know via a Feedback email if you see history notes you think are in the wrong location.

Backcaptured gazettes, annual volumes of Acts as passed and related material

We have recently completed a major backcapture project to scan a large amount of hard copy material held in our library’s collection. Unfortunately, we are not resourced at this time to upload this scanned material to the website for direct user access but we are happy to help with user enquiries and email backcaptured material we have saved on our network.

A full list of material in our backcaptured collection and details of how to contact us with an enquiry is available on the Historical information page.