how the divorce process works

You will begin by answering a series of questions to make sure that the State of California has “jurisdiction” over the parties and issues in your case, that the case is filed in the proper county.

Step 3: Serve the Initial Documents

After the documents have been filed with the court, they must be properly served on your spouse. There are two ways to meet these “due process” requirements. Either your spouse can choose to accept service by signing an Acknowledgement of Service or he/she must be formally served with the documents.

Step 4: Entry of Default (If No Response Filed)

If your spouse has either signed an Acknowledgment of Receipt or has been formally served with the Summons and Petition and has failed to respond within 30 days, he/she is “in default” and his/her default may, on your application, be entered by the court clerk. Once the default has been entered, the Respondent will be foreclosed from responding or appearing in the case unless he/she is able to successfully move to have the default vacated.

Step 5: Financial Disclosure

It is the policy of the State of California to ensure a proper division of community property and to further insure that child and spousal support awards will be fair and equitable. To this end, California Family Code Section § 2100 et seq. mandates the exchange of prescribed “preliminary” and “final” declarations of disclosure, along with current income and expense declarations, in all marriage dissolution, legal separation and nullity actions. We’ll prepare the financial disclosures for you based on the information you provide to us in our simple workbooks.

Step 6: Prepare And Notarize A Marital Settlement Agreement

If we have served the Respondent with the Summons and Petition and he/she has defaulted (failed to file a Response) and your case is not going to settle by way of an agreement, you will skip this step and move to Step 8. However, if you and your spouse are going to settle the case by way of agreement, we will prepare an agreement which resolves all of the issues in your case. Generally, these issues include:

Step 7: Prepare Order To Withold Income For Child Support

Whenever a support order is made or modified, the court must include in the order an Order/Notice to Withhold Income For Child Support that directs the paying spouse’s employer to pay to the party receiving support that portion of the paying spouse’s earnings due or to become due as will be sufficient to pay (a) the support amount ordered by the court, and (b) an amount ordered to be paid toward liquidation of any arrearage.

Step 8: Prepare And File The “Judgment Package”

The end result and the final goal of the action for dissolution or marriage, legal separation, or nullity is to obtain a Judgment from the court. The Divorce Judgment dissolves the marriage and is a court order which resolves the issues between the parties such as child custody and visitation, child support, spousal support, property division, debt division, and the payment of attorney fees and costs. Whether you obtain that judgment with the agreement of the other party or after the other party’s default or after hearing of the matter at trial, a proposed “Judgment package” of documents must be prepared for submission to the court.

Step 9: Serve The Judgment

Where there are orders in the Judgment enforceable by contempt (such as child & spousal support orders or restraining orders) it is important that a conformed copy of the Judgment be personally served on your spouse and that you obtain a proof of service of the Judgment. Failure to properly serve notice of any order enforceable by contempt on the other party may make it impossible for you to bring a contempt action later to enforce it.

Download our guide to Mandatory and Optional Forms For Dissolution for a comprehensive list of forms and instructions.


This guide is supposed to give you enough information so that you can represent yourself. It is NOT designed to give you legal advice and DOES NOT take the place of speaking with a lawyer.

Important Facts

Process Checklist

Download our checklist to make sure you complete the process correctly.

Step-By-Step Guide


This section contains an overview of key forms needed to start a divorce, legal separation, or annulment.

You can find the forms that you will need to complete:

List of mandatory and optional forms for a Dissolution:

  1. FL-100 Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation, or Nullity of Marriage
  2. FL-160 Property Declaration-Optional
  3. FL-110 Summons
  4. FAM020 Family Law Case Cover Sheet
  5. FL-115 Proof of Service of Summons

You must also include the following blank forms in the packet that you serve on the other party:

  1. FL-120 Response-Marriage
  2. FL-160 Property Declaration-Optional
  3. FL-335 Proof of Service by Mail

Key legal terms

The forms may be typed or filled in neatly and in CAPITAL LETTERS using black ink.

Make 2 COPIES OF ALL COMPLETED FORMS and arrange them in the order found on the list.

Court Costs

You will need to pay a $435.00 filing fee when you file your forms at the courthouse unless you qualify for a “Fee Waiver.”


Once you have completed your forms: